Friday, August 21, 2009

Summer is Here!

And glorious ideas of "blogging" on a regular basis seem to have gone down the same drain as all my other glorious ideas. But I will continue to blog don't completely write me off just yet.

This summer has turned out to be a busy one. During a recession I think you tend to get reacquainted with all the great things your local area has to offer...and in our case, it has made is busier than ever. We have discovered many wonderful parks, museums, and the art of taking day trips to the beach (the key is to get on the road EARLY ... around 5:30-6:00).

Yes...we join the multitudes in our stresses of making ends meet from day-to-day. But the way I see it is, as long as the kids don't feel the effects of it, we're doing pretty good. Natalia and Nico are both very happy little kids, and while Natalia understands that we may not be able to get her that iPod shuffle, or a cell phone (she's only 5 years old, for cripes' sake!), or a wii...we are still able to treat her to something special, take her to the parks, and to the beach---and we still love her and her brother immensely. That seems to make them both happy.

Natalia started Kindergarten on Aug. 3rd. She LOVES school. She had her first picture day yesterday, and has started selling ready-to-bake cookie dough for the first fundraiser. Intersession will be coming up in October...I think we'll be able to sign her up for some special classes or something during that time (though I don't know what the $$ is, so we'll have to see what that's all about). I had hoped to take a few days off to take the kids camping during her time off of school, as the weather should be perfect for that.

Nico's vocabulary grows each day. I just pulled out the training potty this's that time! The only thing is I have NO IDEA how to potty train a little boy. I guess the next time I take the kids to the library I should see if they have a Potty Training for Dummies book. Eliminating that diaper budget is very motivating!

Smokey is taking everything in stride. While I think he would prefer to have his own yard where he can come and go as he pleases, he still likes to meet up with his buddies at the dog park.

I can't believe Nico's birthday is coming up so quickly...he'll be two years old on Oct. 17th. Then Halloween....then Natalia turns 6 on Nov. 15th...then we're in the throws of the holiday season-- Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years...*sigh*...where has the time gone??? I just "celebrated" another birthday a few weeks didn't feel good. Birthdays depress me anymore.
Jorge is still sweating his butt off rescuing people who have locked their keys in the car, need jump starts, and tire changes. It's getting old, and will only get worse when the snow starts falling. He's been online searching for that one job that's left out there during any spare time he has.

I'm still working at AAMVA...actually September will mark my 10-year anniversary with the association. Wow. That's a long time.

Well...I hope all is going well with all of you. And I really will try to blog more often. Don't give up on me yet!

I love you!
"All I can say about life is, Oh God, enjoy it!"
~Bob Newhart

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Palm Sunday

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!! I wish we could've been with you on your birthday. I hope Dad and Zach were good to you!

Today was a beautiful day in Virginia. One more week 'til!

The kids got to go traipsing around the ball field for quite a bit with Uncle Mike and went straight down for a nap when they got home.

Then Natalia and I went to an Easter Pageant with Denise, and Jorge's parents. The show was awesome...Immanuel Bible Church puts on such a great Easter pageant...if you're ever in town while that's going on, I would highly recommend it.

Every day Nico surprises us by blurting out a real, honest-to-goodness word here and there. It's amazing how one day he doesn't know a word, and the next day he's saying it like he's been saying it for months. He even looks at you like, "duh!" when you get all excited about him saying something discernible. He's become quite the the elevator, at the salon, in the stores...I think we're in trouble with both those kids!

Natalia's reading gets better and better each day. She's so proud of herself--and so are we! She and I are working on a Snow White book, of which she's already read 5 pages. My! How her world is about to change...the power of knowledge, adventure, and dreams right at her fingertips! (So many of us take it for granted.)

It was great to see JB and the rest of the gang last night. Hopefully we'll see more of them through the summer...we had a blast!

Jorge has been working his butt off, but we're hoping it pays off with a nice long weekend at the end of May. We are looking forward to the Courtney reunion in the Atlanta area. Can't wait to see everybody again...and to meet the folks I haven't had the opportunity to meet yet. I'm so excited!

Well, no new pictures's still on the fritz. BUT -- I did find a beautiful picture of my Mom on her birthday "a while back." (I don't know who she was pregnant with in this one...maybe it was Chad, as his birthday is in June and she looks pretty pregnant.)

Love to all!

"Life is an adventure in forgiveness."
~Norman Cousins

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Happy Spring!

Tomorrow is the first day of Spring! The flowers are starting to bloom, there's a little more green out there each day...don't ya just love it?!

Natalia is already starting to talk about Christmas--but more because she likes the pretty lights and decorations. Really, her heart is aching for Easter...anything to do with chocolate, and she's there! Of course, Nico has gotten a taste of the chocolate--I won't lie--he likes it too.

So does Smokey--I'm sure he didn't learn the first time when he got into the box of Valentine's Day chocolates that Jorge had gotten me. By the time I got home from work, the guy was bouncing off the walls. We had to rush him to the hospital where he got his stomach pumped, poked all over with needles, and stayed his first night away from home. I don't think I slept at all that night. No -- I'm sure he didn't learn. Some of us never do...

Life at the Mesones home has been hectic, stressful, and then some. But we're making some head-way, and we've seen the light at the end of the tunnel. We have our health, we have our family and friends, and we've got our jobs. To ask for more would be selfish (though we demand more every day!!).

I do want to add a special note to all the people in my life who have managed to put up with my stubborn self. Without you, I truly would go insane! I may be pig-headed, but I still manage to make it through each day, and I owe it all to you. Thanks for being there for me through the thick and thin. Know that you are loved and always have a shoulder to cry on, or a wall to scream at :)

I don't have any real news to share, just thought I'd check in before I got in the habit of NOT checking in. No pictures this time. We're still without a good camera, so pictures are few and far between. We can use the video camera, but I'm so disappointed with the results that I just don't take many pictures with it. (The photo I've included is of a rose that was taken when Natalia and I went to a rose garden/park back in 2005 (when she was not quite 2 yrs. old.)

Wishing you all a happy beginning to the Spring season,


Sunday, March 8, 2009

What a beautiful day...

Today was a beautiful day in Virginia! We spent a quiet day at home before setting off to the park in the afternoon. The kids couldn't get enough of the outdoors--and neither could we!

We spent enough time at home today to get some cleaning done (while the kids played out on the balcony). Then, after Nico woke up from his nap we headed out to the park where the kids got to run around and climb all over everything. The park was also next door to a big dog park, so even Smokey got some social time in with a bunch of other dogs. (Until he got scared off by a little dog half his size...he was just trying to make friends!)

So now we're home, with dinner in our bellies, and just remembering that it's really 9:00 and not 8:00! (Nico's usually in bed by now!)

Sorry this one's so short, but time to get the kids ready for bed.

Love to all!
The Mesones Family

Friday, February 27, 2009

It's been a while...

So much for trying to keep you all up with what's going on with the Mesones family. We're still trucking along...

Natalia turned 5 in November, and is already counting the days 'til she's six (well, 12 actually...for some reason that's the magic number for her). Their desire to grow so quickly always seems to amaze me. I keep telling her she needs to slow down...but she just rolls her eyes at me. (Can you believe it?!)

Nico is even more of a handful than he was back in October. He certainly has a way of making his feelings known. He's got such a personality...complete strangers can't help but comment on how "adorable" he is, or how BIG he is, or how "wise" he looks. Natalia is usually quick to point out that they have the same long eyelashes.

Smokey is taking everything in stride. I've never known a dog to be so good with kids. Not once has he snapped. He enjoys sleeping late in the mornings (sometimes he doesn't even get up to say goodbye to everybody!). He's a great help around breakfast, lunch and dinner. Of course snack time is also a busy time for him. Smokey is pretty good about keeping food off the floor, highchair and (when no one's looking) the table. He's a good boy--the home would be empty without him.

Then there's Crystal, our transvestite beta fish. (She's male, but Natalia doesn't care...her name is Crystal and she's a she!) If there ever was a fish with personality, it's Crystal. She's such a fun little fishy...she loves to dance when the kids dance in front of her. She gets upset when she's not fed more than 2 times a day or when her water needs changing. She's been a wonderful addition to our entourage.

Jorge and I are still trying to make ends meet. I won't lie to you...these hard economic times have hit us pretty hard in the gut, but we're pulling through. Jorge is about to go part-time with his mortgage loan work, and take on another job with a roadside assistance company. The new job pretty-much guarantees a paycheck every week--that's all we're looking for at this point.

I'm still working as an electronic communications specialist. Things are picking up in my field as more and more companies are cutting back on hard-copy communications and travel, opting for a more electronic means to communicate and exchange information and knowledge. It's been interesting, to say the least.

It's been a long, strange trip...and we're getting a bit weary. We'll just have to buck it up and be strong for all the kids out there and hope they don't feel the same pain we do. I find myself saying often: "this too shall pass." Why does it always seem like the next rest stop is 50 miles away when you really need a break?

We can only hope that the world comes out of it a little smarter, happier, and full of grace. Let 's get it right this time!

Love ya! Peace out!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Busy, busy, busy...

Hello again! And to think I started this darn thing thinking I'd have time to keep folks up-to-date! Things around here have been super busy. Work has been stressful for both of us. I think there's a light at the end of the tunnel, but I'm afraid to admit it until I'm positive it's there.

Nico turned one on Saturday, Oct. 17. He had a blast. The boy's a walkin fool...follows Natalia everywhere. He's got the best laugh! Natalia will be turning five on Nov.'s so amazing how quickly they grow. What would my life be without them?

The kids are going to be sporting Batgirl and Batman costumes this year for Halloween.

Me and the kids are looking forward to heading out to visit my parents out in OK. Dad will finally get to meet his grandson! Natalia is looking forward to "helping grandma make stuff." She'll also be celebrating an early birthday while we're out there.

It's beginning to feel like Fall around here (I used to think "Autumn" sounded so it just sounds muddy to me). The air is cool and crisp, and the leaves are beginning to lose their grip on the trees. Before you know it we'll be at the table eating Thanksgiving dinner with our loved ones...then on to Christmas and then toasting to a happy and prosperous (hopefully...we need it!) new year.

I hope everyone is doing well, and I'll try to do a better job at keeping y'all in the loop.

Love to all,


Sunday, July 6, 2008

July 6, 2008

I hope everybody had a fun Independence Day. It was unusually quiet around here this year...I don't know if they're cracking down harder on the personal fireworks, or if folks just didn't want to spend their money on it.

We spent our 4th of July here at home. Natalia went swimming in the pool with her father while Nico took a nap and I tried to pick up the mess the two of them left behind.

In the evening we visited Jorge's tio and tia. They did get out and purchase a couple of packages of fireworks. We lit up one package, then had an hour or so intermission while the rain washed everything clean before we lit the other package. The kids enjoyed it (even Nico--as long as his ears were covered). Of course, his Uncle's dog tried to grab a lit firework...I've always seen dogs run away from fireworks. Needless to say, the dog was forced to wait inside until the fireworks were over. (Mind you, this is the same dog that would rather fetch rocks than balls.)

We're off to Jenny's 9th birthday party this afternoon. They had plans for a pool party, but it looks like those plans may get rained out. We'll see what we can come up with for an alternative!

The kids were having such a good time together last night, I decided it was a perfect time for an impromptu photo shoot.

Love to all!
The Mesones Family